Trying To Lose Weight And The Scales Won’t Budge?

Need to lose weight, but your dieting efforts are producing little to no results. Most of us make dieting/losing weight a big process–a complete change. Sometimes we just have to make a few simple changes to start getting good results.

We know the right foods to eat and despite our good eating habits, the scales just won’t budge. You might just need more activity or small changes in your diet to increase your metabolism. Here are a few easy ways to tweak your efforts and start getting the results you want:

Family Recipe: Homemade Brownies

Here is a brownie recipe you will love and be making it often. It is so simple—takes no more time than a brownie mix and is soooooo much better. This recipe was shared with me about 30 years ago by my minister’s wife, Betty.

When my grandson was living with us, he had a couple of friends who would remind me if I had not made the brownies for a long time.My grandson prefers his with no nuts or other toppings–but most people enjoy the nuts or other additions. Customize to what you and your family love.

The recipe I am giving you is for a 13×9 pan. Recipe can be halved and baked in an 8 or 9 inch square pan—which is perfect for giving as a gift. I have given mine at Christmas, for birthdays and even taken them to new neighbors.

Family Recipes: Company Vegetable Casserole

I love this vegetable casserole. It is so versatile!! I love to make it with a mixture of cauliflower, broccoli and carrots, but you can vary your veggies. It is also great with just broccoli. During the holidays when you are really busy, you can make it ahead and bake it the next day.



Company Vegetable Casserole

Frozen Broccoli, Cauliflower and Carrots (between 1 ½ lbs and 2 lbs)

1 ½ Cups (or more) Shredded Cheddar Cheese

1 Can Cream of Mushroom Soup

2/3 Cup Milk

Slivered Almonds–optional

1 Small Can French Fried Onion Rings


You Were Created For Success

I’ve got a little sign on my shelf and when I noticed it today, I thought of you.The sign says…

“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you think, and  smarter than you think.” (From Christopher Robin to Pooh)

If you have kids you know how important it is to constantly remind them that they are smart and talented and beautiful… and just basically all-around GREAT! It’s easy to be an encourager to little ones. To build them up and point out all the good stuff they do…and the more you do it, the more they thrive.

But somewhere along the line, as we get older, we stop hearing it. Now instead of walking into a room and being greeted by big smiles and words to build you up…people are quick to point out your flaws…your shortcomings and failures. And very quickly you find yourself feeling small…inadequate… more like a ZERO than a HERO.

Penny Wise Pound Foolish

We have all heard the old British saying—“penny wise pound foolish”. This means we might focus on saving pennies that in the long run cost us larger amounts of money. We all want to save money, but don’t forget the larger picture.

Okay, I admit it!! I have been penny wise and pound foolish. My mother was very economical. She had to be!! My dad did not have a high paying job and for years she couldn’t work because my little brother was sick and his medicines were very expensive. My mother knew more ways to cook a pound of hamburger that were delicious than you could ever imagine.

I guess I learned from my mom and I shop for good sales and most of the time, I get great deals and save a lot of money, but sometimes my desire to be thrifty outweighs my better judgement. For instance, I might not purchase a favorite fruit or vegetable because it is expensive….but will turn around and buy candy or cookies or cake!! Those items are not good for me and if you figure the price per ounce, the cost can be quite expensive. I would have been better off with my favorite—watermelon—even though it was pretty pricey!

There is HOPE

Thomas Jefferson once said…

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale… they all stressed the importance of having a…POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE.

And God gives us a pretty clear list of the type “stuff” we’re supposed to think about when the Bible says…

“Whatsoever things are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, of good report; if there’s any virtue, and if there be any praise… THINK ON THESE THINGS.”

You Can Be A Victor

Life—it is not all a bed of roses!! Sometimes the thorns show up and create struggles in each of our lives. We all become victims from time to time of these ‘thorns’—discouragement, fear, guilt, mistreatment……Often we have no control over these ‘thorns’. What we can control is how we react and how we dwell on them.

Robert Silverstone has said:  ‘A universal law states that whatever we focus our attention on will tend to expand. If we are focused on finding the negative in a person or situation, especially in ourselves, those negatives will tend to expand and before long we find ourselves participating in victim consciousness, often without even being aware of it.’