Do You Have A Dream?

Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday.

I’m sure you’re familiar with his famous, “I HAVE A DREAM” speech…(as I type the words I can hear his impassioned voice saying,

Dr. King was one of those rare people who had a vision so big that it didn’t just serve him or his family or a city or a state or a country…It was a vision so powerful that it served (and transformed) humanity.

We Need Unity And Not Division

I read this months ago and kept a copy. I wish I could give credit to whoever wrote it. It is short, but certainly could give us all something to think about.

“One of the most difficult things to do is to get people to work together successfully, to have a meeting of the minds where people reach an agreement and move forward together for a common cause.

It’s often easier for people to fight and disagree than to come together, progress and build. It is written that a house divided is a house broken. Of all the things that we seek guidance on, we often forget to pray for unity and for the Lord to enable our spirit to work with others.”

You CAN Change Your Life

There’s an old saying– and we hear it A LOT in the personal development world…


You may or may not agree. But today I was reminded of a funny story from my life that I wanted to share with you…Back with my son was younger we had two dogs.

Max– a golden retriever

and Chumley– a black Chow Chow.

I loved them both very much. And I’d say they both pretty much lived up to what most people expect from their breed.

No More Complaining and See Your Life Change!

A CHALLENGE—but one that will bring about incredible changes in your life! Learn to live a life of positivity!! We are asking you to do this for 30 days—don’t give up and stop after the first few days. Do it for 30 days and see the changes in your whole life.

For the duration of this Challenge (and hopefully ever after) you’re going to give up ALL criticism, complaining and critical comments.

Each time you catch yourself making a critical comment or complaint (which is probably more often than you realize right now)…STOP and REPLACE that  criticism with something GOOD.
