There is HOPE

Thomas Jefferson once said…

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale… they all stressed the importance of having a…POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE.

And God gives us a pretty clear list of the type “stuff” we’re supposed to think about when the Bible says…

“Whatsoever things are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, of good report; if there’s any virtue, and if there be any praise… THINK ON THESE THINGS.”

Count Your Blessings!


We celebrate American Independence Day on the Fourth of July every year. We think of July 4, 1776, as a day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation.   On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson.

From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, but did not become a federal holiday until 1941. Today we celebrate July 4th with many festivities ranging from parades to fireworks, cookouts and family gatherings.

You Could Be At Risk For Heat Exhaustion

With many of us experiencing extremely high temperatures–and in Florida we have high humidity—we want to be sure you stay safe. It is the time of year for outdoor activities, but it is essential that we all take precautions!!

Have you read our blog article ‘Are You Ready For Summer?

I recently received an informative magazine from our local hospital and wanted to pass along some info on Heat Exhaustion. It could never happen to you or me—right? We are all vulnerable.

Heath exhaustion occurs first but if left untreated or ignored, it can progress to heat stroke, which is a serious and potentially dangerous heat injury. So let’s all be aware of these symptoms of heat exhaustion:

Are You Sleep Deprived?

Are you sleep deprived? This is a more serious problem than just being tired the next day. Getting enough quality sleep can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. The negative effects of being sleep deprived can accumulate over a period of time or can occur in a moment—such as having a car accident.

Here are just a few reasons you need to get enough sleep consistently.

Perspective Changes Everything!

I was running some errands on Sunday and brought my youngest son, Daniel along with me. He’s my sidekick most of the time. Daniel is one of these dudes who likes to talk. And by that I mean he never stops 😉

I tend to stay in my head–because I’m a man of few words. So when I’m hanging with Daniel he’s talking a mile a minute and I’m doing my best to stay present and listen.

We pulled onto the highway and Daniel asked…”How long do you suppose those dashed lines are on the road?” He was talking about the white dashed lines that separate two lanes going in the same direction.

Older is BETTER

Are you concerned about getting old? I had a boss years ago who said getting older is not a big deal…and it is much better than the alternative (dying young). I know—he had lots of one-liners, but some, like this one, really imparted some wisdom.

As a younger person, I remember seeing people in their forties (and beyond) and for the most part, they looked like old people. Today, we take better care of ourselves and honestly, we look great!! We are still vibrant and we have gained wisdom which helps us to make better decisions. We are active and enjoying our lives. Many surveys show that as we get older we are also more content with our lives!

What Do You REALLY Want in Life?

Where do you want to eat tonight? It’s the question that I dread. Because it always starts and ends the same. “I don’t know”…”I don’t care”…”Wherever you want…””Anywhere is fine…””Just pick a place…”

Then someone speaks up…”How about Chipotle?”…which is quickly answered with…”Uggh… it’s too spicy”

“Olive Garden?”… to which I’ll hear…”I eat too many breadsticks so I leave with a stomachache!”

“Outback?”…which is answered with…”Ummm… there’s nothing there to eat anymore so I’ll just get a drink while you guys eat.”

Happy Father’s Day

Father’s Day—don’t wait until the last minute to think about the perfect gift for that special man in your life.

Father’s Day is celebrated in over 40 countries and many celebrate it the day the U.S. adopted for it – the third Sunday of June. It is a day to honor fathers and their influences in our lives and our society. There might be a special man in your life who is technically not your father, but who has had a profound influence. You might want to honor him on that day also.