Is Your Perception Hindering Your Future?

I don’t know about where you are–but it’s COLD here!

In fact, my day started off kind of funny. I tend to be a creature of habit as far as how I start my day. When I wake up, I make my way out to my office…which is separate building on our property… about 50 steps from my bedroom door.

I grab a celsius (it’s a natural energy beverage with no sugar–but packed with vitamins and a punch of caffeine) and my favorite Key Lime yogurt from the fridge in my office, sit back and start my day by listening to “Count Your Blessings” by JJ Weeks band… going over what I’m thankful for and setting my intention for the day.

(You can check out the song here: )

Anyway, today, when I opened the fridge to grab my yogurt I noticed it felt warm. I opened the freezer–it also felt warm.

Urgh. My fridge went out! Everything was WARM. Even though it was annoying, I didn’t get worked up about it. I sat down and started my day by playing the song.


I flipped on the heat–which I noticed had been turned off over the weekend (it was warmer when I was last in here).

Then about 30 minutes later I went inside to feed the monkeys (I’ve got two of them) and I noticed their fridge was warm, too!

Wait…TWO FRIDGES went out?!

And then it hit me…

The BUILDING was COLDER than the fridge (because I had left the heat off).

NOTHING was wrong with the fridge–I just THOUGHT it was broken because it was so cold in the office.

I had to laugh at myself! And at the same time it got me thinking about how typical this really is… IN LIFE.

Wayne Dyer used to say…”We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.”

Today, even though I didn’t realize it, I saw the fridge as warm because I was cold. Not because it was warm. Which is no big deal in the big scheme of things. But, it’s not usually about a warm fridge, right?

The truth is, what we choose to see often costs us true vision. In other words, WE TOTALLY MISS IT.

We miss opportunities all over the place– from making friends- to making money- to creating deeper relationships- to being grateful on the blessings we receive on a daily basis (which unleashes a tidal wave of good into our lives).

And it’s because of how we see things…our perception.

But just like happened today with the fridge– most of the time we don’t even realize it’s happening. We just move through life viewing everything through “our lense”–which is unique to us. Which is why some people seem to have the “Midas Touch” and others, well, nothing works for them.

The GOOD NEWS is…YOU ARE IN CONTROL of HOW YOU CHOOSE to look at things.

This means you can make a decision to purposely SEE things in a certain way. YOU CAN LOOK FOR THE GOOD in everything-Knowing that what you look for, you’ll find.


As we head into this Thanksgiving week, let’s all LOOK FOR THE GOOD.


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