You Can Be A Victor

Life—it is not all a bed of roses!! Sometimes the thorns show up and create struggles in each of our lives. We all become victims from time to time of these ‘thorns’—discouragement, fear, guilt, mistreatment……Often we have no control over these ‘thorns’. What we can control is how we react and how we dwell on them.

Robert Silverstone has said:  ‘A universal law states that whatever we focus our attention on will tend to expand. If we are focused on finding the negative in a person or situation, especially in ourselves, those negatives will tend to expand and before long we find ourselves participating in victim consciousness, often without even being aware of it.’

We have all seen circumstances where people we know go through bad times, yet they move on and are positive about life in spite of the circumstances—while others seem to be forever defeated by these circumstances. They becomes victims.

My friend Diana has been through so many physical challenges, medical procedures and surgeries in the past 15 years. She lives with health problems that are with her 24/7. They change every aspect of her life, yet she is not defeated. She has not given up. She has chosen to live her life as an overcomer—a VICTOR.

Rather than bemoaning the challenges in her life, Diana has chosen to remain active in her family’s life. She has three wonderful children and the BEST husband. She focuses on them and not her own. problems. Diana loves God and remains active in her church and its activities. Sure, she could stay in bed many days, but she has chosen to remain active, to set goals, to remain motivated to be an important part of her family’s lives. Diana has chosen to live a life of victory and not defeat!

Diane practices what we are taught in Philippians 4:8

‘…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.’

So let’s expand and dwell on the good things our lives. Don’t be defeated by the struggles (thorns), but set goals for yourself, stay active and think on all the blessings in your life.



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