Do You Have Stiff Achy Joints?

REALLY? Are you still suffering with achy, sore joints, stiffness and swelling? Do you know how important Glucosamine is to your body?

Glucosamine is vital for building cartilage which is the flexible, tough connective tissue found in parts of the body. This fine, rubbery tissue functions as padding, a cushion for bones and joints and also plays a crucial role in incorporating sulfur into cartilage in order to make and repair it. As we age, our glucosamine levels fall…and this could lead to joint deterioration.

Don’t let achy joints rob you of your active lifestyle!

We Are Not Getting Older-Just Better!

Osteoarthritis and the related discomforts can start at any age, but it is most prevalent for those of us over 50. As we age, the body produces less glucosamine and we are more prone to stiffness (especially in the morning or after sitting for long periods of time) and aching joints.

With some conditions in our bodies, we can adjust our diets and get more of the needed nutrient that way, but you cannot get glucosamine from foods. It is a natural chemical found in the human body and is also found in the shells of shellfish. (NOTE: If you are allergic, this product does contain shellfish)


I had my 6 month appointment with my cardiologist last week. I mentioned my Omega 3 capsules. He told me if I ever got an aftertaste from them, I should freeze them and then it wouldn’t happen. I had no idea of this!! He told me the purpose of the Omega 3 (fish oil) is to reduce inflammation. Well, it turns out inflammation does damage to many more areas of our body than the heart.