New Year’s Resolutions You CAN KEEP All Year!

Raise your hands if you have made New Year’s Resolutions and did not succeeded in keeping them longer than a month!! A week…a day? Why is that? We have good intentions and usually our resolutions would create better lives for us.

Often we create expectations we couldn’t possibly keep….like these:
**‘I am going to lose 75 pounds this year.’
**‘I will work out 2 hours a day.’
**‘I am going to eat healthy—no more sweets for me!’

Women Have Sexual Needs TOO!!

Sexuality is a part of life! Healthy relationships thrive when these things are present: Love, affection and sexual intimacy. As teenagers, we couldn’t imagine anyone ever needing “help” in this area. But the truth is, we sometimes encounter sexual problems for many reasons—medications that interfere with desire and/or performance, daily stresses, chronic illnesses, etc.  For years, the focus has been on a man’s sexual health. It has been written about—whispered about—and products marketed for a man’s sexual health and enjoyment.  As WOMEN, we sometimes need help too!! Women, this is all about you and your sexual needs!!  

Overwhelmed with Life?

You do everything you can to remain calm…and not get overwhelmed with LIFE!!stress-1

Do you ever feel like you will splinter apart into a thousand pieces?

This kind of stress WILL harm you and your health. Ultalife’s CALM-ER  can help you be in control—relieve the anxiety and stress so you can deal with your LIFE again!

We all experience stress at some time in our lives, but constant, daily stress is harmful. Do you feel like there are never enough hours in the day to do all that needs to be done—family and work responsibilities are never-ending…the bills—they are piling up?? Do you procrastinate doing a task because you just cannot get started?

Stay Healthy Even In Cold + Flu Season

It’s that time of year!! People all around us are sick—IT IS COLD AND FLU SEASON!


What can we do to help our bodies be stronger and ward off these ailments? A cold or the flu can drag on for days or weeks and really deplete your energies. You are most likely a busy, productive individual who has no time to be sick!!

There are things you can do to take care of your body boost your immune system. Here are some steps you can take:

Melatonin Is More than Just For Sleep

I have had problems sleeping for close to 20 years. I could never sleep much more than an hour—often much less- without being awake and restless—unable to fall right back asleep. My problem was I never could get the REM restful sleep because I never stayed asleep long enough!! As we age, we don’t produce as much Melatonin and this often leads to sleep problems. Also stress …just too much to do…unresolved problems—all can contribute to miserable nights.


People kept telling me to try Melatonin.  I did but never got ongoing, consistent results…until a friend gave me  a bottle of  Perfect PM to try. WOW!! What a difference from the very first night.

Detox and Start your Weight Loss

My friend, Dave, is a great guy and his emails brighten my days. If they hear me laughing in the office, most of the time is it from something Dave sent to me. BUT…there is one subject Dave is serious about! Dave is a Surgical RN and has specialized in Endoscopy for 15 years. Dave knows the importance of colon cleansing.

There are many methods utilized for colon cleansing—we will be talking about our UltaLife UltaCleanse here which is very mild as a laxative and cleanser used to assist in detoxifying the intestinal track.


Even Santa Claus Can have a Nice Soft Beard!

If you are a man with a beard, do your ‘significant other’ a favor and get a soft, healthy, sexy beard while moisturizing your skin and relieving any itchiness you feel. Ladies, here is the perfect Christmas gift for your man!!


Check out all the Sexy Beast Beard Oils HERE

Sexy Beast offers an Unscented Beard Oil and two that are scented (The Boss and Vintage).  All of our Sexy Beast Beard Oils uses 9 different oils to create the best oil possible for YOUR beard