Are You Taking Care Of Your Heart?

Want to lower your cholesterol and enhance your heart health? My cholesterol always ran slightly higher than normal, but my doctor was not concerned…until my heart attack.

This is based on my personal experience with Cholesterol Prescription Drugs!! Do they work? Absolutely….but at what cost? There are so many side effects from the prescription cholesterol drugs–statins!!

Mayo Clinic reports about statins  that  “they have been linked to muscle pain, digestive problems and mental fuzziness in some people and may rarely cause liver damage.” Mayo Clinic also says if you are currently on a statin (Cholesterol Drug), do not stop taking it without consulting your doctor.

Are You Getting Enough Water?

Water—how much do we need? Our body uses water in all its cells, organs and tissues. I am told that humans can live without food for several days or even weeks, but we can only live a few days without water.

I am not a big water drinker so I checked several sources trying to determine how much water I need and how to get it into my diet. I read that drinking enough fluids is crucial to staying healthy…to maintaining all the functions of our bodies. Also older adults (who might not sense thirst as much as younger people) need to be especially careful to stay hydrated in the summer!

I read another place that we need 30-50 ounces of fluids a day—our body size… how active we are—the heat factor….many things can contribute to determining how much we really need. But I was relieved to see that not all of this had to come from plain water.

Do You Believe You Can Do It?

It’s a familiar conversation…You know it’s there and you send someone to get it.

“It’s in the pantry…second row down and on your right!”

Only to be followed by…”Nope. It’s not in there–we don’t have any!”

So you walk over, open the pantry door and grab it–“What’s this?!”, you say!

“Oh, I didn’t see it”… is the response.

Whatever “it” is or wherever “it” may be– I’m sure you can recall similar conversations at your house, right? They can never “see it”—even though you are 100% certain where it is.

Finally, after my part in raising 7 kids–I got smart. When my youngest son, Daniel, was four, I decided to PURPOSELY create a different result. So I started calling Daniel the “finder of lost things”.  First, I’d ask him to find me things I KNEW he could find–and every time he’d bring me something I’d say…”Oh man, you’re awesome–you’re the finder of lost things!”

Then anytime something was lost or anyone in the house was looking for something I’d say, “Daniel can find anything– he’s the finder of lost things.” And you know what– he can and does!

He just turned 13. A couple months ago we were in DC.  Daniel had just gotten a brand new iPod Touch from the Apple Store that same day. We had spent the rest of the afternoon and evening driving around my favorite spots in Old Alexandria and stopping by a few of the monuments.

We Need Unity And Not Division

I read this months ago and kept a copy. I wish I could give credit to whoever wrote it. It is short, but certainly could give us all something to think about.

“One of the most difficult things to do is to get people to work together successfully, to have a meeting of the minds where people reach an agreement and move forward together for a common cause.

It’s often easier for people to fight and disagree than to come together, progress and build. It is written that a house divided is a house broken. Of all the things that we seek guidance on, we often forget to pray for unity and for the Lord to enable our spirit to work with others.”

Keep your Brain Sharp!

Larry and I have spent countless hours in a nursing home visiting our parents. My dad’s doctor gave Larry some advice that I have never forgotten. One day we were visiting my dad and Larry had his iPad. It is never far from him! He loves playing Words with Friends. I mean he really loves it—is addicted (almost as much as I am). When we are ready to relax at night, he is in his chair and I am on the couch with the television on. We play little attention to television because we are so involved in our Words with Friends games.

Dr Lindberg walked by Larry that day at the nursing home and said  –  “Ah, you are playing WWF. My wife plays also. Keep playing. It is so good for your brain!.” Shortly after that, Dr Lindberg (he was also my aunt’s doctor) told Aunt Wanda to keep trying to play her piano. Her memory was getting a little fuzzy and he said playing the piano kept the brain active. So guess what I do? I play WWF and I play my piano at least 5 days a week!!

I read some simple tips online for keeping your brain sharp! Here are a few suggestions: