What Kind of Seeds Are You Planting?

I am not a great gardener but have been attempting to plant some seeds and plants and have a beautiful yard this year. I have researched and planted the seeds that grow well in the area of the US where I live…and I know not to plant seeds for sand spurs, weeds or poison ivy!! I certainly cannot plant sand spur seeds and expect to have lovely, blooming flowers.

What kinds of seeds are you planting in your life? How often do we think and speak negatively and then expect good things in our lives? Think and speak positive words. That sounds easy, doesn’t it? Take a day and be constantly vigilant of your thoughts, words and actions. It is so easy to fall into negative patterns that hold you back from your ultimate goals.

Know Yourself to Achieve Success

Do you want to be a successful in your personal life, in your work life and in your interactions with others?? Probably one of the most important things you can do is to know yourself—your strengths and your weaknesses. Learn to appreciate your strengths and overcome your weaknesses. This will help you to be more successful in all areas of your life.

I knew nothing of Personality Tests until about fifteen years ago. When beginning a new job, I was asked to take this test and was told I am a Beaver. What in the world did that mean?   As I studied the characteristics of the different personality types, I learned about Lions, Otters, Beavers and Golden Retrievers. Sounds silly, doesn’t it?

Are you a Lion? You are very fast paced and goal oriented….you are direct…you want to lead….you love challenges…you are a problem solver….you like authority and are bold. You are a natural born leader!! You will boldly and courageously go into your business!

Lions, be careful because in the process of taking authority and leading, you might dominate a situation when you should allow others to contribute. Remember to be sympathetic to those around you. Consider others (your customers, co-workers) –work with them at their level, which might not be the fast paced, take charge tendency of the Lion.

Change Your Life Forever

I am sometimes amazed that Lisa Diane can take what seems so simple and make us understand how we can drastically change our lives by doing that one simple thing. Read on and “Change Your Life Forever”.

I saw this sign today…

“Objects in the mirror may appear closer than they actually are…”

As soon as I read it, it was like one of those “a-ha” moments… like finding a secret hidden message in plain sight.

You CAN Change Your Life

There’s an old saying– and we hear it A LOT in the personal development world…


You may or may not agree. But today I was reminded of a funny story from my life that I wanted to share with you…Back with my son was younger we had two dogs.

Max– a golden retriever

and Chumley– a black Chow Chow.

I loved them both very much. And I’d say they both pretty much lived up to what most people expect from their breed.

Jan 30 Accentuate the POSITIVE….Eliminate the NEGATIVE!

In a hit song from 1944 made popular by Bing Crosby, the Johnny Mercer lyrics told us to….

“Accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don’t mess with Mister In-Between”

There is nothing more dangerous or destructive than a life of NEGATIVE thinking.

Negative attitudes and remarks are the first sign of a “toxic” person. When you meet someone who always has an opinion, who continually makes excuses, finds fault, places blame and almost rejoices in telling you all the reasons why something ‘won’t work’–you should avoid these people like the plague.

There is nothing ‘realistic’ or ‘noble’ about being negative. These folks will try to convince you that they’re just ‘realists’ ….they help you keep your feet on the ground and your head out of the clouds. Don’t believe them. In fact, take a good hard look at them. What kind of lives are they living? Do they have great relationships? Are they healthy? Do they smile and live with a sense of joy and enthusiasm? I can answer that for you….NO!

Whatever you do, do not allow these ‘DREAM SQUASHERS’ –toxic negative people–to influence your life.

Your Miracle Moments are Waiting for You Now!

There’s a simple story in the Bible that best illustrates what a Miracle Moment really is.

Peter asked Jesus to allow him to step out of the boat and join him by walking on the water.


In those few short moments, Peter taught us a lesson that holds within it the SECRET toall success in life.

Let’s look at what happened.

Peter saw Jesus standing out on the lake. He thought it was totally cool that Jesus could do that and he wanted to do it, too. (He KNEW what he wanted!)

I imagine that in the few moments preceding his request to Jesus, that Peter envisioned himself walking across the lake. He could see himself standing out there next to Jesus–defying all sense of reality or what was “possible”. (He created a VISION in his mind.)

When he asked Jesus to call him over there, he was making a bold statement of FAITH. He believed it was possible.

At the same time I imagine that the other guys in the boat with Peter had a few remarks to make of their own (even if they were made quietly). Peter chose to ignore the NEGATIVE and envision the positive outcome.

So what happened? Peter stepped out of the boat, started walking on the water and within a short time, sank.

What You Think About You Bring About

You must guard your mind from negative thoughts and emotions.You are in control of your thoughts. You can put a stop to a negative thought the moment it enters your mind. Is this easy? No, but it is absolutely critical to your ultimate success.

One effective tool for you to use is to REPLACE worry with a positive vision. Worry brings fear, nervousness and frustration. It distracts us and keeps us from operating at our optimum level.

Worry stems from FEAR. And in 90% of all cases, FEAR is negative. Yes, there are times when fear can be healthy–like choosing not to walk too close to the edge of a cliff. But for the most part, FEAR is nothing more than FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL (F.E.A.R).

The problem with allowing your mind to obsess and worry over something you fear is that by doing so you can actually manifest the very thing you fear into your reality. Remember, our subconscious mind works hard to bring about the thoughts we focus on the most.

So here’s the plan: when you start to worry over something, instead of doing what most people do and imagining the worst possible scenario as being inevitable, begin to imagine that BEST possible outcome you can think of. Instead of obsessing over “what could or might” happen that is bad, begin to vividly imagine that what WILL happen is a good and positive outcome. If you’ll do this, I guarantee that you’ll begin to see GOOD things happen and you’ll eliminate the bad.



Many times we make New Year’s Resolutions with all good intentions…and a month later our good intentions have vanished. There is one RESOLUTION or COMMITMENT we need to make and keep 365 days a year. That is to do whatever is necessary to have GOOD HEALTH. It is said that “Health is Wealth”.


IT’S JUST NOT FAIR! If you have children, you hear this phrase often. To tell you the truth, that’s how I feel about some situations also. Things happen to all of us that are challenging – sickness, loss of a job, family problems, divorce, unfair treatment at work…

We all face problems of one kind or another and often “it’s just not fair“!!

The next step is up to you! Are you going to dwell on the negative and the “poor me” syndrome? Are you going to waste your time and energy in thoughts and words that just keep you upset and don’t solve the problem? I was faced with a problem recently that upset me. I thought about the problem, lost sleep that night and woke up with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. My mind was active all the next morning replaying the same words over and over. I finally had to stop myself because I was not making the situation any better and only further destroying my peace of mind.