Jan 30 Accentuate the POSITIVE….Eliminate the NEGATIVE!

In a hit song from 1944 made popular by Bing Crosby, the Johnny Mercer lyrics told us to….

“Accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don’t mess with Mister In-Between”

There is nothing more dangerous or destructive than a life of NEGATIVE thinking.

Negative attitudes and remarks are the first sign of a “toxic” person. When you meet someone who always has an opinion, who continually makes excuses, finds fault, places blame and almost rejoices in telling you all the reasons why something ‘won’t work’–you should avoid these people like the plague.

There is nothing ‘realistic’ or ‘noble’ about being negative. These folks will try to convince you that they’re just ‘realists’ ….they help you keep your feet on the ground and your head out of the clouds. Don’t believe them. In fact, take a good hard look at them. What kind of lives are they living? Do they have great relationships? Are they healthy? Do they smile and live with a sense of joy and enthusiasm? I can answer that for you….NO!

Whatever you do, do not allow these ‘DREAM SQUASHERS’ –toxic negative people–to influence your life.

So what happens if YOU happen to be the Dream Squasher? If YOU are the one with the ‘stinking thinking’? The first thing you need to know is that the kind of thinking that has gotten you where you are today will NOT lead you to where you want to go tomorrow. You will need to go on a mission to eliminate the ‘negative’ from you life–and that begins with YOU!

Our thoughts are an instrument that produce tangible results in our life. What you THINK, is what you are. Everything that you have…everything that you are, it ALL begins in your MIND. Your mind is a powerful tool for good or evil. You get to choose.

The Bible says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.”

The mind is a very complex computer. It was designed to be the tool that would allow us to create and experience anything and everything that we could possibly think or imagine. It has the ability to create something from nothing. It’s like a genie in a magic lamp.

The problem is, most people ask for exactly the opposite of what they really want. Your mind–especially your subconscious mind–is extremely efficient. It takes the information, suggestions and emotions that you feed it or allow to be fed to it from others and uses them to manifest your reality.

If you spend your days in worry and fear over what will happen next…how you don’t have enough money to pay your bills….how you hate your job and how your boss doesn’t like you….how you never have enough time to do anything you want…how you’ll never get ahead …if these are things that occupy your mind, that is the reality you will llive.

Our THOUGHTS do create our life. Not our circumstances. Not our families. Not our employers. Not our government. Our THOUGHTS are what create the world we live in.

Your mind can only create in reality what you feed it. You CAN’T obsess on problems, shortcomings and luck and expect a life of positive joyful abundance. So if you want to change your life, simply change your thoughts. You can eliminate anything by refusing to think about it, worry over it or obsess on it. What we THINK about we BRING about– It’s just that simple.

You hold the power to change your life completely–in a matter of a ‘instant’. You don’t have to live as a victim of circumstance or lack. However, your life will only change when your MIND changes. You must control your thoughts and guard your mind with tighter security than Fort Knox.

It’s important for you to realize the power that you hold in your hands. YOU get to choose the direction in which your life goes. You can take any desire that you have, create a vision for it and begin the process of creating your new life. Why not decide to use your powerful tool–your mind–to create your good life from this day on.

Accentuate the POSTIIVE and just eliminate the negative.

Excerpt from “When you can Walk On Water …Why take the boat?” by Lisa Diane


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