Change Your Life Forever

I am sometimes amazed that Lisa Diane can take what seems so simple and make us understand how we can drastically change our lives by doing that one simple thing. Read on and “Change Your Life Forever”.

I saw this sign today…

“Objects in the mirror may appear closer than they actually are…”

As soon as I read it, it was like one of those “a-ha” moments… like finding a secret hidden message in plain sight.

Read it again…“Objects in the mirror may appear closer than they actually are…”

So what’s the secret message? I don’t know about you but I’ve lived a lot of my life “looking in the rear view mirror”……letting stuff from the past keep me tied up, seeing it as much closer as it actually is.

A friend of mine runs the “deaf ministry” in the church and I was recently watching him sign during the service. It was fascinating. I’ve never really seen a person “sign” for more than just a few seconds (like, when you see someone doing sign language in a restaurant or when you’re out somewhere). But watching someone sign for over an hour– and being able to actually SEE the words that you’re HEARING signed, is a totally different experience. Very cool.

But what really struck me was, during the service there were some repeated phrases like…

… “putting the past behind me”…… “in the past”…… “forgetting about the past”

Every time one of these type phrases would come up he would make this gesture that looked like he was throwing something BEHIND him and then flipping his hand up… so it was totally GONE…Over…….Done with….Finished.

I watched him make that little gesture over and over again. And every time I saw him do it, I felt this “inner nudge”… it was like a lesson in what it actually means to put the PAST behind us. Because the truth is if you were to physically create a gesture for what MOST of us do with “the past” it would look more like…

We’d throw the past behind us, then turn around and look at it… run toward it… pick it right back up, review it thoroughly and then repeat the process… OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

We hold on to failure, letdowns and experiences that hurt us, disappoint us, frustrate us or make us angry or fearful. We replay and relive and rehash all that stuff over and over and over again–sometimes MANY TIMES A DAY. We never let it go.

We definitely don’t put it BEHIND US.

But WHAT IF we could actually do that little gesture my friend did when he was “signing”… in our REAL LIFE? What if we could take that moment or experience (from the past), throw it BEHIND US and actually LEAVE IT THERE? How would your life be different if you ONLY lived in THIS moment… right NOW? How would YOUR life be different if you were no longer held prisoner by your past?

I have a little cross I keep on my desk that says…



On The Goal



Forgetting The PAST And





And for the first time, after watching him signing in church, I have a VISUAL of what that looks like……To FORGET the past, LOOK FORWARD and PRESS ON.

I wanted to share this with you so you could have the visual too. Because honestly, learning to live in the NOW (this present moment) is super-important.

WHY? Because it’s where your POWER is.

Right now. This minute. THIS is what matters. You can spend it looking back and fixating on your past mistakes, failures and disappointments–(and in turn, continue to bring more of that same stuff into your life)


You can spend this moment CREATING what you really WANT by focusing on your intention for your FUTURE… THINKING ABOUT, TALKING ABOUT and PARTICIPATING ONLY in what leads you CLOSER to what you want.


And when you do that consistently, YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE FOREVER.

Like magic. 🙂

So here’s my challenge to you…The next time you find yourself caught up in “the past”… thinking about and fixating on something that DOESN’T empower you, make you feel good and lead you closer to the life you want…

Notice it.

Now picture holding that thought in your hand.

Wrap your fist around it.

And THROW IT over your shoulder.

Now it’s GONE! Behind you.

Never to return again…


Hasn’t your past already stolen enough of your life already?

Remember…”Objects in the mirror may appear closer than they actually are… 😉

It’s time to PRESS ON toward what you want… the life you deserve.


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