Why Should You Walk?

We know we need activity-exercise in our lives! But what kind of exercise? Most experts agree that we need Aerobic (Cardio), Strength,  Balance and Flexibility. Many people emphasize only one type of exercise—like Aerobic or Strength, but to stay strong and healthy, incorporate all four into your life.

In this Blog article, let’s discuss Aerobic, or Cardio, Exercise.  These could include, walking, running, swimming, biking, dancing – actually anything that will get your heart rate up and cause you to breathe harder. Even such activities as playing with your children or working in your yard could be part of your Aerobic activity. Web MD reports that walking can lower your risk of heart attacks and strokes. It is also good for those who have type 2 Diabetes. If you have Arthritis, walking strengthens your leg and core muscles. As your strengthened muscles do more of the work, your joints will hurt less. Walking is also a weight bearing exercise and those of us with osteopenia or osteoporosis need to consider walking to strengthen our bones.

Ladies Are Special Every Day!

This is a special time of the year when we honor mothers—shouldn’t we be doing that every day? I believe ladies (whether they are mothers are not) have special abilities to nurture, encourage and just care about their worlds (families, neighbors, friends……) and make a huge difference.

We are all aware that men and women have many differences and we celebrate those differences. I thought you might like to read a few fun facts I discovered about these differences—many we already know!!

Women Have Sexual Needs TOO!!

Sexuality is a part of life! Healthy relationships thrive when these things are present: Love, affection and sexual intimacy. As teenagers, we couldn’t imagine anyone ever needing “help” in this area. But the truth is, we sometimes encounter sexual problems for many reasons—medications that interfere with desire and/or performance, daily stresses, chronic illnesses, etc.  For years, the focus has been on a man’s sexual health. It has been written about—whispered about—and products marketed for a man’s sexual health and enjoyment.  As WOMEN, we sometimes need help too!! Women, this is all about you and your sexual needs!!