Ladies Are Special Every Day!

This is a special time of the year when we honor mothers—shouldn’t we be doing that every day? I believe ladies (whether they are mothers are not) have special abilities to nurture, encourage and just care about their worlds (families, neighbors, friends……) and make a huge difference.

We are all aware that men and women have many differences and we celebrate those differences. I thought you might like to read a few fun facts I discovered about these differences—many we already know!!

Men and women both ‘feel’ but just express it differently. Men tend to hide their feelings while women tend to share everything. Women find sharing their feelings and emotions can be a great stress reliever.

Women tend to have more close friends and share everything with those friends. Men have fewer friends—don’t share so much but enjoy activities (golf, ball games, fishing, etc) together.

Women tend to be better at multi-tasking while men focus on one situation and solve it.

Men take financial risks more easily than women.

How many times have you seen an argument between a man and woman? She wants to talk and talk about the problem—rehash everything. He seems to retreat and escape asap. Have you ever seen a man’s eyes glaze over?

How boring would it be if we were all alike? It might be difficult having to adjust to each others ways, but it can also be humorous.

We know that men and women have different physical needs too, and UltaLife offers two special supplements for WOMEN ONLY. Women, you are special and you often help everyone around you and neglect your own needs.  Check out these supplement made just for you!

***For years, the focus has been on a man’s sexual health. It has been written about—whispered about—and products marketed for a man’s sexual health and enjoyment.  As WOMEN, we sometimes need help too!! Women, this is all about you and your sexual needs!!   The American Sexual Health Association defines Sexual Health as the ability to embrace and enjoy our sexuality throughout our lives. It is an important part of our physical and emotional health…..for men and WOMEN!!

Don’t be afraid, as a woman, to seek help if you need it for this important part of your life. Talk to your doctor…to close friends…and consider a natural herbal supplement. UltaLife Her Enhancer can help you bring the passion back into your bedroom safely and naturally with a powerful blend of herbal supplements that have been used for centuries to increase sexual desire and sex drive.

***SUFFERING FROM ANY OF THESE? Moodiness, tiredness & fatigue, irritability, hot flashes & night sweats … Got a case of the blues? Feeling depressed or sad? Struggling with weight gain — especially around the stomach mid-section? Is your sex drive puttering out? Do you feel anxious or have heart palpatations for no apparent reason? Yes, you just might have reached Menopause! It is ot a disease and is a natural transition in a women’s life, but you just might need some help to make that a smooth and enjoyable transition.

HER HARMONY can be your new best friend! It is a natural herbal blend that is estrogen free. Safe and effective to help regain your spark and energy, aid in weight loss, lift your mood, reduce anxiety, boost your sex drive, restore your peaceful sleep (without having to run a fan or freeze out your husband 😉 and give your body a much needed menopause reset during life’s hormonal changes

Ladies, take care of yourselves and….Happy Mothers Day every day!!




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