Trying To Lose Weight And The Scales Won’t Budge?

Need to lose weight, but your dieting efforts are producing little to no results. Most of us make dieting/losing weight a big process–a complete change. Sometimes we just have to make a few simple changes to start getting good results.

We know the right foods to eat and despite our good eating habits, the scales just won’t budge. You might just need more activity or small changes in your diet to increase your metabolism. Here are a few easy ways to tweak your efforts and start getting the results you want:

Confessions of a Serial Nighttime Eater

I confess—I am a serial nighttime eater! I am almost a model eater during the day—picking healthier foods, always staying low fat to protect my heart, including lots of fruits and veggies and I don’t eat in between my meals. Yeah, I learned all the tricks of dieting from many weeks of Weight Watcher meetings and reading articles on dieting and healthy eating.


Many years ago I began having sleep problems and would wake up multiple times nightly. I would get so miserable from not being able to sleep or from small aches and pains that I wound up getting something to eat (my comfort food ????). Apparently I set up a pattern through years of doing this and now I wake up and just get a bite to eat. I have tried eating my favorite fruit, watermelon, at night. Weight Watchers says fruits are unlimited!! You can guess what all the watermelon causes!! I am awake extra times just to go to the bathroom.

Are You Sleep Deprived?

Are you sleep deprived? This is a more serious problem than just being tired the next day. Getting enough quality sleep can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. The negative effects of being sleep deprived can accumulate over a period of time or can occur in a moment—such as having a car accident.

Here are just a few reasons you need to get enough sleep consistently.

Sweat-Free Ways to Look Thinner

Summer is quickly approaching and we will have many hot, humid days. We cannot cover up with baggy sweatshirts and sweaters—unless we want to live in air conditioning!! NO!! We want to be active and enjoy outside activities including swimming. Let’s get ready for summer so we can be proud of our bodies. Are they perfect bodies? Probably not, but we want to be in the best shape possible. All it takes is making a few changes in our daily routines.

Have you read our last two articles for hints on getting in shape? If you missed those, get some inspiration by reading these two blog articles:

Shed Winter Weight Now

Little Changes to Shed Winter Weight

Are You Ready To SPRING AHEAD?

Don’t you love FALL Daylight Savings time change when you get an extra hour of sleep? Now prepare yourself for the SPRING Daylight Savings time change when you will lose an hour of sleep!! That will be this weekend so when you prepare for bed Saturday, March 11, 2017, move your clocks ahead one hour.

I read an interesting article on health problems associated with this time change. You might like to read it also—READ IT HERE  but I will share with you the general points.

After turning your clocks forward an hour, you might be out of sorts, tired and lethargic for a few days. Why is that? Melatonin is the hormone that makes us feel sleepy and when the sun is up for longer, your sleep cycle can be disturbed. So if next week you have trouble falling asleep and staying awake during the day, blame it on DST!

Melatonin Is More than Just For Sleep

I have had problems sleeping for close to 20 years. I could never sleep much more than an hour—often much less- without being awake and restless—unable to fall right back asleep. My problem was I never could get the REM restful sleep because I never stayed asleep long enough!! As we age, we don’t produce as much Melatonin and this often leads to sleep problems. Also stress …just too much to do…unresolved problems—all can contribute to miserable nights.


People kept telling me to try Melatonin.  I did but never got ongoing, consistent results…until a friend gave me  a bottle of  Perfect PM to try. WOW!! What a difference from the very first night.