Sweat-Free Ways to Look Thinner

Summer is quickly approaching and we will have many hot, humid days. We cannot cover up with baggy sweatshirts and sweaters—unless we want to live in air conditioning!! NO!! We want to be active and enjoy outside activities including swimming. Let’s get ready for summer so we can be proud of our bodies. Are they perfect bodies? Probably not, but we want to be in the best shape possible. All it takes is making a few changes in our daily routines.

Have you read our last two articles for hints on getting in shape? If you missed those, get some inspiration by reading these two blog articles:

Shed Winter Weight Now

Little Changes to Shed Winter Weight

Let it all hang out?? NO!! Not if you want to look good for the summer. When you slouch, your stomach protrudes, but all you have to do is straighten up and your stomach will look trimmer. Didn’t your mother always tell you to stand up straight? Just a small change—you didn’t have to put on any special clothes or even break a sweat! Practice good posture when you are standing and sitting.  Also stand tall and contract your stomach muscles—pretend your navel can touch your spine. Make it a habit –contracting your stomach muscles when you walk or even when standing. I make a habit to do this when I am pumping gas for my car. Do these two simple things and you will look thinner even before you lose pounds.

ALWAYS get your ZZZZZ’s. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep at night. Lack of sleep can cause hormonal changes making your hungrier….and being awake late at night and through the night usually means you are eating  when you should be sleeping.

And don’t completely deprive yourself. Let yourself have your favorite food once in a while. Reward yourself so you do have something to look forward to.

Of course we want to lose those extra pounds to look good, but those extra pounds can also adversely affect our health. Don’t ever let a few extra pounds become MANY extra pounds.  If you need a little extra help, check out our Ultalife Forskolin. Take just one capsule a day and turn your body into a fat burning machine!!

Forskolin is a chemical found in the roots of the plant Plectranthus barbatus (Coleus forskohlii). This plant has been used since ancient times for issues like high blood pressure, chest pain / angina, as well as respiratory problems such as asthma. In addition to being used as weight loss supplements, when taken by mouth, forskolin is also used by people with allergies, skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, obesity, painful menstrual periods, irritable bowel syndrome / IBS.

A few months ago, Forskolin was featured on a popular medical television program. Can this supplement, which has been used for years in traditional Asian medicine, be the miracle we have been looking for? For those of us who struggle to lose weight and maintain that weight loss, is this the answer?


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