So Blessed


In dealing with day to day problems, it is easy to think about the problems-how to solve them—and just generally obsess about them. I am often reminded that no matter what I face, my BLESSINGS far outweigh my problems.

Today I had to find a new doctor’s office a little distance away so we went early to be sure we were not late. Thank goodness our i-pad directed us there 1 hour early and we had time for lunch. As we drove down a little access road from the doctor’s office to a couple of restaurants, we saw a lady sitting alone on a curb as we drove by. Coming back from the restaurant, we saw she had a sign

Do You Need Comfort?


COMFORT means ‘to improve the mood of or restore a sense of well-being to’. Do you always feel like you are reaching out to friends, family, even strangers to offer comfort? Well, there are times you need COMFORT too. I hope the things that bring comfort to me might inspire you to find those special things in your own life that will bring COMFORT and peace to you.

Comfort food – We all have our own favorites and times that we need comfort food! This has been an extremely cold winter for many people and you might be needing some comfort food about now. Comfort food could be described as food that provides consolation or a feeling of well-being and could be associated with childhood or home cooking.

Do You Have A Dream?

Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday.

I’m sure you’re familiar with his famous, “I HAVE A DREAM” speech…(as I type the words I can hear his impassioned voice saying,

Dr. King was one of those rare people who had a vision so big that it didn’t just serve him or his family or a city or a state or a country…It was a vision so powerful that it served (and transformed) humanity.

What Is Your IT?

No matter what your faith or religious perspective is, just stick with me for a minute because answering this question could make a HUGE difference in your life.

I grew up in church– meaning, if the doors were open we were there. Even if they weren’t open we tended to be there because both my parents were involved in various groups and ministries of the church that always seemed to be having meetings, get-togethers, practices, etc.

My point is, “the church” was like my second home and the people were my second family. And I wouldn’t trade those years or that foundation for anything. It’s priceless.

At the same time I’ve always been the person to challenge — EVERYTHING….At home….In school…In church. I was always asking WHY or WHY NOT and if the answer didn’t make sense or feel right to me– then I didn’t accept it.

Perspective Changes Everything!

I was running some errands on Sunday and brought my youngest son, Daniel along with me. He’s my sidekick most of the time. Daniel is one of these dudes who likes to talk. And by that I mean he never stops 😉

I tend to stay in my head–because I’m a man of few words. So when I’m hanging with Daniel he’s talking a mile a minute and I’m doing my best to stay present and listen.

We pulled onto the highway and Daniel asked…”How long do you suppose those dashed lines are on the road?” He was talking about the white dashed lines that separate two lanes going in the same direction.

Older is BETTER

Are you concerned about getting old? I had a boss years ago who said getting older is not a big deal…and it is much better than the alternative (dying young). I know—he had lots of one-liners, but some, like this one, really imparted some wisdom.

As a younger person, I remember seeing people in their forties (and beyond) and for the most part, they looked like old people. Today, we take better care of ourselves and honestly, we look great!! We are still vibrant and we have gained wisdom which helps us to make better decisions. We are active and enjoying our lives. Many surveys show that as we get older we are also more content with our lives!

What Do You REALLY Want in Life?

Where do you want to eat tonight? It’s the question that I dread. Because it always starts and ends the same. “I don’t know”…”I don’t care”…”Wherever you want…””Anywhere is fine…””Just pick a place…”

Then someone speaks up…”How about Chipotle?”…which is quickly answered with…”Uggh… it’s too spicy”

“Olive Garden?”… to which I’ll hear…”I eat too many breadsticks so I leave with a stomachache!”

“Outback?”…which is answered with…”Ummm… there’s nothing there to eat anymore so I’ll just get a drink while you guys eat.”