So Blessed


In dealing with day to day problems, it is easy to think about the problems-how to solve them—and just generally obsess about them. I am often reminded that no matter what I face, my BLESSINGS far outweigh my problems.

Today I had to find a new doctor’s office a little distance away so we went early to be sure we were not late. Thank goodness our i-pad directed us there 1 hour early and we had time for lunch. As we drove down a little access road from the doctor’s office to a couple of restaurants, we saw a lady sitting alone on a curb as we drove by. Coming back from the restaurant, we saw she had a sign

I dropped my husband off at the doctor’s office—then realized I did not have my wallet—so headed back to the restaurant. Just as I got back to Applebee’s, I realized my wallet was in another bag I had with me. I was relieved—but more than that, I realized I had come back by that lady for a reason. I found some money in my wallet and headed back to her. My heart was so touched when I looked into her eyes and saw the hopelessness. I still tear up thinking about it. As I handed her the money, I was impressed to hug her and talk to her a little. In that hug I felt in her hopelessness, despair, pain, defeat and gratitude.

I am so blessed. I have never experienced not having a safe place to sleep—not having food and plenty of it. This experience reminded me that so many in our world have NOTHING! But for the grace of God, I could be in that position too!

How about you? We need to Count Our Blessings and always remember to pray for those not as blessed as we are. As they say in our church–

God Is Good All The Time—and All The Time God Is Good.



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