Are You Getting Enough Water?

Water—how much do we need? Our body uses water in all its cells, organs and tissues. I am told that humans can live without food for several days or even weeks, but we can only live a few days without water.

I am not a big water drinker so I checked several sources trying to determine how much water I need and how to get it into my diet. I read that drinking enough fluids is crucial to staying healthy…to maintaining all the functions of our bodies. Also older adults (who might not sense thirst as much as younger people) need to be especially careful to stay hydrated in the summer!

I read another place that we need 30-50 ounces of fluids a day—our body size… how active we are—the heat factor….many things can contribute to determining how much we really need. But I was relieved to see that not all of this had to come from plain water.

So here are a few ideas—water, juices, and foods such as fruits and salads. Some examples of water rich foods are watermelon, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes. How about soup?

Coffee and Tea are okay in moderation—they contain a lot of caffeine.

Drink an 8 oz glass of water before every meal—it might even help to curb your appetite and cause weight loss too.

Try fruit infused water. Take a large container and float lemon, slices, orange slices or other fruits to give a subtle, delightful taste to your water. Sip on that throughout the day.

So here is my challenge—find new ways to incorporate water and water rich foods into your diet. Be inventive. It does not have to all be plain water!

Just DO IT! Staying hydrated is essential to your health.



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