Shed Winter Weight Now

Oh my! Summer is almost here. Are you ready to change your winter clothes for shorts, tank tops, a bathing suit? Maybe you have been hiding inside the heavier winter clothing and the thought of revealing what is underneath those layers is daunting….scary…downright depressing.

Let’s do it together!! Watch for two more blog articles with tips on revealing our best bodies!

The Amazing Elephant

Our good friend, Dave, sent me this picture of him and his wife riding on an elephant while on a wonderful vacation.  Dave said the ride was a bit bumpy!! I have never traveled abroad or ridden an elephant, but I became  intrigued to learn more about these giant creatures, elephants.

Did you know elephants can be as tall as 13 feet and weigh up to 15,000 pounds!! Wow! They have pillar like legs to hold up this great weight. I have been trying to lose a few pounds—thankfully I don’t have that much to worry about!! An adult elephant can eat 300-400 pounds of food a day.

The Free Gift

My friend sent this email to me. It brightened my day and hope it will yours also!!

Hugging is healthy.
It helps the body’s immune system.
It cures depression.
It reduces stress.
It’s rejuvenating.
It has no unpleasant side effects.
It is nature’s miracle drug!
It is all natural, it contains no chemicals, artificial ingredients, no pesticides, and no preservatives.
Hugging is practically perfect. There are no parts to break down, no monthly payments, non-taxable, non-polluting, and of course – fully returnable! 

Is Eating Salmon Good for Your Heart?

Omega 3 fatty acids are crucial to your health—especially your heart and brain!! Two important ones are EPA and DHA and are found in certain fatty fish. ALA’s are found in certain nuts and seeds. Most of the Omega 3 benefits have been found in EPA and DHA. The best food sources of EPA and DHA are salmon, sardines mackerel, grass fed beef and certain seeds and nuts –these are listed from highest to lowest amounts of Omega 3’s.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Just eat those foods—especially the salmon-and you will be fine!!


Did You Let The Sunshine In?

Many people dream of a vacation to Florida. Other’s think it must be so wonderful to live in Florida, where it is almost always warm, and spend days on the beaches, in the resorts and theme parks. I am a Floridian—born here and lived all my life in Florida. I can’t imagine living anywhere else. When my northern friends are freezing in the winters…and having huge heating bills…we are often using little to no heat. Some winter days we will even use our air conditioning during the middle of the day. My husband and daughter have been known to go in our pool on Christmas Day!

Who Needs Omega 3?

Does everyone need an Omega 3 supplement? I will let you be the judge of that.

Here is my story—I have been health and weight conscious all my life. I had always maintained a reasonable (not perfect) weight–exercised regularly–ate healthy—never drank and never smoked. No one was more surprised that I was when I had a significant heart attack 8 years ago.

Following my hospital stay, my cardiologist put me on prescriptions that he said I would have to be on the rest of my life AND told me to always take Omega 3. In fact, my cardiologist has never had a heart problem and he takes Omega 3 regularly. He checks in every six months to be sure I am continuing to take my Omega 3.

Is A Locked Door Keeping You From Your Dreams?

We’ve all heard the hype about “making money in your underwear”, right? Well, here’s what happened to me…

I’ve done the whole office thing–big conference room with a huge table and lots of chairs around it, fancy furniture, offices full of staff–the whole 9 yards. Been there, done that for MANY years. Now I work from home. We still have an office and we also have team members working remotely from their homes.

But that’s not what this story is about. It was this last Saturday. I don’t work on weekends but something came up and I needed to make a quick tweak to one of our websites. No big deal. Like I said, I work from home.

Except my “office” isn’t in my house.I live on 10 acres and I’ve got a couple offices on the property (in separate buildings) PLUS a really cool treehouse (with AC, electric, etc). My office is down a little stone path about 30 steps from the back deck entrance off my bedroom. It’s a really big property– the house is found down a tree lined driveway, far from the road. My point is, it’s very private.

So, when I realized I needed to run out to my office to make a few quick tweaks I grabbed my keys and headed out the door…Yep, you guessed it…IN MY UNDERWEAR. Long boxers– not tighty whiteys 😉

Like I said– it’s very private here.

Anyway, I got the work done quickly and back to the weekend. No sweat.

Then came Monday morning. I was headed outside to start my day and opened my drawer to find…NO KEYS.