Is A Locked Door Keeping You From Your Dreams?

We’ve all heard the hype about “making money in your underwear”, right? Well, here’s what happened to me…

I’ve done the whole office thing–big conference room with a huge table and lots of chairs around it, fancy furniture, offices full of staff–the whole 9 yards. Been there, done that for MANY years. Now I work from home. We still have an office and we also have team members working remotely from their homes.

But that’s not what this story is about. It was this last Saturday. I don’t work on weekends but something came up and I needed to make a quick tweak to one of our websites. No big deal. Like I said, I work from home.

Except my “office” isn’t in my house.I live on 10 acres and I’ve got a couple offices on the property (in separate buildings) PLUS a really cool treehouse (with AC, electric, etc). My office is down a little stone path about 30 steps from the back deck entrance off my bedroom. It’s a really big property– the house is found down a tree lined driveway, far from the road. My point is, it’s very private.

So, when I realized I needed to run out to my office to make a few quick tweaks I grabbed my keys and headed out the door…Yep, you guessed it…IN MY UNDERWEAR. Long boxers– not tighty whiteys 😉

Like I said– it’s very private here.

Anyway, I got the work done quickly and back to the weekend. No sweat.

Then came Monday morning. I was headed outside to start my day and opened my drawer to find…NO KEYS.

I’m a pretty OCD type guy– I believe the old “there’s a place for everything and everything in its place”. So the fact that my keys weren’t in my drawer (where they ALWAYS are) was really surprising.

I started searching. Looking everywhere. No keys. And then it hit me. Underwear don’t have POCKETS! I keep my keys in my pocket. But when I went outside on Saturday (in my boxers) I must have put the keys on the desk and walked off without them.

So off to my office I went. I peeked through the window across from my desk and sure enough–THERE WERE MY KEYS!

I have 2 keys–but BOTH of them are on the same keychain (not the smartest plan!) And my office is locked up like Fort Knox. I have expensive computers and equipment– so I’ve got good locks so everything is secure.

Here I stood looking through the window, staring at my keys. How was I going to get in? Locksmiths aren’t exactly plentiful where I live. It’s Monday. I’m already starting my day late. Where will I find a locksmith and how long will that take?

All these things are going through my head as I lean into my door to look closer through the windows (as if looking closer will somehow bring the keys to me 😉 and then it happens…

THE DOOR SWINGS WIDE OPEN! I stood there… in shock and disbelief! Stunned.


Now you’re probably wondering why in the world I’m sharing this with you, right? Because if you’ll look closely– there’s an important lesson for us all.

First, maybe it’s not a great idea to go to work (outside your house) in your underwear 😉

Seriously, though…How many times in life are we standing on the OUTSIDE of our dreams or something we really want or need—BELIEVING that we are LOCKED OUT?

Believing that there’s something standing between US and WHAT WE DESIRE.

Even when we can SEE IT (our dream or goal) we stand there– feeling stuck and separated from it. Separated from the LIFE WE REALLY WANT….when maybe, just maybe, the doors aren’t locked after all. And if we’d take a tiny step forward they would SWING OPEN WIDE for us. What’s locked up for you right now? It’s time to open the door and walk right into your dream.


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