New Year’s Resolutions You CAN KEEP All Year!

Raise your hands if you have made New Year’s Resolutions and did not succeeded in keeping them longer than a month!! A week…a day? Why is that? We have good intentions and usually our resolutions would create better lives for us.

Often we create expectations we couldn’t possibly keep….like these:
**‘I am going to lose 75 pounds this year.’
**‘I will work out 2 hours a day.’
**‘I am going to eat healthy—no more sweets for me!’

How about setting goals you can reach? And if you go beyond them, pat yourself on the back!! Maybe these would be better—
**‘I will lose 10 pounds…and then re-evaluate my next goal.’
**‘I will exercise 30 minutes 5 days a week—if I cannot do 30 minutes all at once, I will do 15 minutes in the morning or at lunch and then another 15 minutes in the evening.’
**‘Sweets are my downfall, but I know I won’t completely cut them out. I will add more healthy vegetable and fruit options each day and minimize the number of sweets I eat.’

Think about what you want to achieve this year—go ahead and make your New Year’s Resolutions. Ones that you can achieve!! And make a plan.

I learned an important lesson in 2000 when I started my current job.  I was to write down a list of 5 things I needed to accomplish the next day before I left work. At first, it seemed silly, but as I followed what my boss had requested, I could see the value in my list of 5.

The longer I worked for the company, the more varied my duties became. I could easily get pulled into something urgent and get totally distracted from what I needed to accomplish that day. To this day, most of the time, I leave a list on my desk for the next day. It helps me to stay focused on what needs to be done (in addition to the many things that pop up needing immediate attention).

Start your list on January 1 when you make your New Year’s Resolutions. Decide what it will take for you to achieve those goals, make a list of things you can do to be moving forward every single day.

So many of us will make a resolution to lose weight in the coming year—and keep it off. This would be my list of 5 for that resolution:

  1. I will eat a healthy breakfast every day which will give me energy for the day ahead and help me not to over-eat later in the day
  2. I am worth the time it takes to improve myself, to become more healthy. I will eat 5 fruits/vegetables daily.
  3. I will look for every chance to walk extra—park my car way out from the grocery store instead of the closest parking spot…take the stairs instead of the elevator……get out and play with my children or grandchildren.
  4. I will exercise 5 times a week for 30 minutes. Walking is fine!
  5. Even on days, when I am not perfect, I will appreciate my body just as it is. It maybe not be perfect, but it keeps me going. I will focus on the good things and not the imperfections.

You are important and you deserve time to achieve your goals. Do it!

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