Does The Summer Heat Put You In Danger?

We look forward to the warmer weather after a very cold winter, but the extreme heat can cause problems. Health problems related to HEAT can range from minor to medical emergencies. Read our blog article, You Could Be At Risk For Heat Exhaustion for more information.

Let’s consider those of us who are older—We are at great risk for getting a heat-related illness –and if we have a chronic illness, our risk is even greater. As reported by The National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health, hypothermia is the failure of the body’s heat regulating mechanism to deal with a hot environment. After being in heat for long periods Hypothermia can cause heat fatigue, sudden dizziness, cramps, and heat stroke.

What Are Additives and Pesticides Doing To Your Body?

We live in a TOXIC WORLD!  Have you checked ingredients on your favorite foods in the grocery store to see how many additives are in them? What about the pesticides used on our crops? Additives, pesticides and pollution can take their toll on your colon and cause problems Your whole body can become sluggish.

Constipation can cause waste products to stay in your body and result in a lack of energy and decreased immune function. Bowels can hold 5-10 lbs of undigested food and toxins at any time.

How can you detoxify your body? Start with a healthy diet and add
exercise to your daily routine. Then consider adding a gentle, natural Colon Cleansing Supplement.

We Are Not Getting Older-Just Better!

Osteoarthritis and the related discomforts can start at any age, but it is most prevalent for those of us over 50. As we age, the body produces less glucosamine and we are more prone to stiffness (especially in the morning or after sitting for long periods of time) and aching joints.

With some conditions in our bodies, we can adjust our diets and get more of the needed nutrient that way, but you cannot get glucosamine from foods. It is a natural chemical found in the human body and is also found in the shells of shellfish. (NOTE: If you are allergic, this product does contain shellfish)

Who Needs Omega 3?

Does everyone need an Omega 3 supplement? I will let you be the judge of that.

Here is my story—I have been health and weight conscious all my life. I had always maintained a reasonable (not perfect) weight–exercised regularly–ate healthy—never drank and never smoked. No one was more surprised that I was when I had a significant heart attack 8 years ago.

Following my hospital stay, my cardiologist put me on prescriptions that he said I would have to be on the rest of my life AND told me to always take Omega 3. In fact, my cardiologist has never had a heart problem and he takes Omega 3 regularly. He checks in every six months to be sure I am continuing to take my Omega 3.

The Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln

The wisdom of Abraham Lincoln should never be overlooked. When anyone asks me who I admire most, my answer is always Lincoln. What a man born to a destiny and a time!

“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the LIFE in your years”

This quote speaks to us about living our years with the BEST HEALTH possible.

I was having a discussion with a friend just today about who knows best what to give our bodies–the doctor who we see twice a year and who knows us by a name in a folder–or US–who live in our bodies everyday and know what it needs.

Sometimes I balk at taking my supplements in the morning–a regime I’ve been doing for 30 years now. And every once in awhile I review the list again–to see if there’s any I’m willing to part with. I always come up with the same answer–NO WAY! I intend on living a healthy fulfilled life so which one of these body enhancing supplements am I willing to stop?