What Are Additives and Pesticides Doing To Your Body?

We live in a TOXIC WORLD!  Have you checked ingredients on your favorite foods in the grocery store to see how many additives are in them? What about the pesticides used on our crops? Additives, pesticides and pollution can take their toll on your colon and cause problems Your whole body can become sluggish.

Constipation can cause waste products to stay in your body and result in a lack of energy and decreased immune function. Bowels can hold 5-10 lbs of undigested food and toxins at any time.

How can you detoxify your body? Start with a healthy diet and add
exercise to your daily routine. Then consider adding a gentle, natural Colon Cleansing Supplement.

Detox and Start your Weight Loss

My friend, Dave, is a great guy and his emails brighten my days. If they hear me laughing in the office, most of the time is it from something Dave sent to me. BUT…there is one subject Dave is serious about! Dave is a Surgical RN and has specialized in Endoscopy for 15 years. Dave knows the importance of colon cleansing.

There are many methods utilized for colon cleansing—we will be talking about our UltaLife UltaCleanse here which is very mild as a laxative and cleanser used to assist in detoxifying the intestinal track.
