How One Simple Word Can Change Your Life

Recently I was not even paying attention to my television, but the word ‘grateful’ caught my attention. Did you know that being grateful-(GRATITUDE)- can actually improve your health and help you to sleep better? I started doing a little research to be sure of what I had heard. It is said that prayers of gratitude—meditation and even passing thoughts can have a great impact on our lives.

Today I checked out an article on and found that:

*Gratitude improves your physical health. A 2012 study reports that people who are grateful have fewer aches and pains. This study also reported that grateful people take better care of their health (regular check-ups) and exercise more often—-all which contributes to better health.

Do You Have A Dream?

Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday.

I’m sure you’re familiar with his famous, “I HAVE A DREAM” speech…(as I type the words I can hear his impassioned voice saying,

Dr. King was one of those rare people who had a vision so big that it didn’t just serve him or his family or a city or a state or a country…It was a vision so powerful that it served (and transformed) humanity.

Shape Up In 2018!

One easy weight loss trick I learned years ago is to eat at least 5 fruits/vegetables in a day. Think about a typical day for you. Do you sometimes get to the end of a day and have included few, if any, fruits or vegetables in your diet? When I realize that is happening to me, I have to re-evaluate my eating habits. Adding at least 5 servings is a healthy thing to do and it fills me up…so hopefully I won’t eat so many of the empty calorie snacks.

Here are some great reasons to start eating more fruits and vegetables: