What Are The Most Important Things In Your Life?

I see many people aimlessly wandering through life with no thoughts of goals or plans to make any goals come true. You know people like that too, don’t you? The most they can hope for is to get through the week…or the day.

Make a list of goals in your life. You can put anything on your list that you really want. I have seen many people’s lists that had things like boats, big houses, fancy cars and diamond rings. There is absolutely nothing wrong in wishing for these material things, but search more deeply for what you really w ant in your life….the things money cannot buy.

All the ‘things’ that money can buy won’t make you happy unless other situations in your life are ‘right’.

Here are two things that probably top all of our lists—things we want that money cannot buy!

RELATIONSHIPS: Make it a goal to develop more positive relationships. This means developing good, strong, positive relationships with family, friends and co-workers. Build strong relationships by showing respect –look for the good qualities in others rather than always pointing out the mistakes or weaknesses you see in those around you. Take an interest in things that are important in their lives. Don’t expect you will ALWAYS agree with each other on everything—just keep open communication that is not judgmental with your friends, family and co-workers.

YOUR HEALTH: This is a huge thing for me. I can handle other situations in my life if I am feeling good and have the stamina to carry out my everyday tasks. There may be health problems in your life that are beyond your control, but often we can take steps to be more healthy. How about eating healthy foods….exercising more….drinking more water? How about eliminating or cutting down on the things we know are not good for us?

In the old days of our parents or grandparents, our foods were more nutritious. One study shows that in the past 100 years the nutrient density of our foods have gone down 40-60%.  Our food today is lacking many of the important vitamins and minerals that promote good health. One diet I have followed for years recommends eating at least 5 fruits/vegetables per day (and that does not mean French fries). Yet studies have shown less than 20% of Americans eat anywhere near the 5 per day.

The bottom line is that we are leaving ourselves vulnerable for disease and sickness. What can we do about this? We can make a conscious effort to make more healthy choices—and consider buying organically grown fruits and vegetables–AND add Quality Supplements to our diets


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