There is HOPE

Thomas Jefferson once said…

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale… they all stressed the importance of having a…POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE.

And God gives us a pretty clear list of the type “stuff” we’re supposed to think about when the Bible says…

“Whatsoever things are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, of good report; if there’s any virtue, and if there be any praise… THINK ON THESE THINGS.”

Whatever your religious views or spiritual perspectives may be, this advice is to help you enjoy the life you were created to live…Because every day you have a choice.

You can look at your “circumstances”…the job you hate that sucks up all your time…the paycheck that’s too small to ever make a dent in your debt…the mounting stress and demands placed on you everywhere you turn… the list goes on.

You can fixate on these things to the point where you’re paralyzed in fear and feeling hopeless that things will ever change. Unfortunately, all that does is bring more of what we don’t want into our lives.

It’s true, we can’t always control the circumstances around us or the people who do or don’t do the things we wish they’d do or not do. But the one thing we ALWAYS have control over is HOW WE RESPOND. We get to decide HOW we look at things and what MEANING we allow people, things and circumstances to have in our life. It is ALWAYS your choice.

Look, I know life can be hard. I get it. I know what it feels like to be so wrapped up in the problems–that you can’t “see the forest for the trees.” It’s easy to lose perspective when you’re surrounded by all the minute-to-minute reminders of everything you DON’T want, what’s NOT working, etc. BUT….


YOU were created to enjoy a life of success, health, wealth, happiness, fulfillment, peace of mind and absolute abundance. And I mean that literally. It’s YOUR birthright. And somewhere deep inside you believe it, too.

You may be going rough times–financial issues, problems at your job, stress at home and strained relationships with your family or spouse. And MONEY is probably something you’re struggling with that’s impacting you in MANY ways—both seen and unseen. Believe me–you’re NOT alone.

In fact, did you know that more people KILL THEMSELVES on Monday morning than all the other days of the week–COMBINED! And doctors say that a full 80% of people in the hospital are there from STRESS-RELATED illnesses.

Guess what’s TOP on the list of stressors? Yep. MONEY.

I want to share my favorite Bible verse with you. I’ve got this verse on all sorts of pictures and plaques and cups and journals around my home and office. In fact, I’ve got a big framed picture with this verse hanging in my living room and my conference room.

Whether or not you’re a Christian, I believe this verse contains a message that’s meant for you to hear. It’s Jeremiah 29:11.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

And there’s a really cool translation of it that goes like this…

God says: “I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out–plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.”


No matter where you are right now–no matter how hard it may be, how sad you may feel, or scared or uncertain over the days and months ahead – Know this…

There is always HOPE.

And… There’s an AMAZING FUTURE waiting for you… but it requires something of you. Everything can and will turn around just as soon as you decide you’re not going to settle for anything less than everything you deserve and you start FOCUSING and FIXATING on all those GOOD THINGS... forgetting everything else.

The best is yet to come!

It’s true… IF you believe it.


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