The Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln

The wisdom of Abraham Lincoln should never be overlooked. When anyone asks me who I admire most, my answer is always Lincoln. What a man born to a destiny and a time!

“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the LIFE in your years”

This quote speaks to us about living our years with the BEST HEALTH possible.

I was having a discussion with a friend just today about who knows best what to give our bodies–the doctor who we see twice a year and who knows us by a name in a folder–or US–who live in our bodies everyday and know what it needs.

Sometimes I balk at taking my supplements in the morning–a regime I’ve been doing for 30 years now. And every once in awhile I review the list again–to see if there’s any I’m willing to part with. I always come up with the same answer–NO WAY! I intend on living a healthy fulfilled life so which one of these body enhancing supplements am I willing to stop?

Do I want to face possible heart problems–certainly not! So I’m not going to stop my COQ 10. Am I willing to have my aches come back after I exercise? I am NOT. I will continue to take my Glucosamine. I recently added Turmeric with BioPerine and am so excited that I can finally digest Turmeric and gain the wonderful benefits of that supplement for my joints and all my inflammation concerns. Those-in-the-know can’t say enough about the benefits of Turmeric these days–and how much inflammation is at the core of so many of our bodies’ problems. And on those annoying nights when I just can’t quite get settled to sleep–boy–do I love our Perfect PM with just the right amount of Melatonin to put me right out!

And I love hearing reports from our customers who get such relief from some of our condition-specific supplements. Blood Pressure certainlyleads the pack for both men and women. While Prostate is our TOP selling supplement for men. Whoah! So inspiring to hear how many men have found this pill and continue to take it to help their male issues. And women–Her Harmony is the estrogen-FREE natural supplement that will get you through those difficult hormonal changes.We have hundreds of women taking this now and they’ve told us how grateful they are to have found it.

I’m glad I live in a time now where people are so SMART about their bodies. Who would have believed how popular gym memberships are now? And every age and demographic. My son has always had one and I do my ‘gyming’ at another place.

And I admire all of you that know the importance now of the old saying….We Are What We Eat.

I see it everywhere I go. People making better food choices, being so much more aware of the ‘good and the bad’ that goes into their body….and supplementing with the body enhancing herbs and vitamins that make such a difference to our overall health and well-being.

You Go Abe! Thanks for reminding us again that what counts most is The Life In Our Years!

Bonnie Hazlett

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