For Men with Beards and the Women Who Love Them!

So many men have beards now—but I never would have known they could have these problems with their beards!!

Lost a M&M in my beard while eating a pack & it just fell out.. I guess I was saving it for later..

There are knots in my beard and my comb got stuck

First thing when I look at a menu “what’s not messy!?

I hate it when you take a shower and then go outside and your beard freezes

To those who’ve said a papercut is the worst pain, they’ve obviously never had a beard hair caught in a coat zipper.

These are the funny sides of having a beard!! Beards vary in length and thickness – everything from closely-cropped stubble to a long, wizard-like beard.- and many women see a man with a beard as suave, mysterious, ruggedly handsome and just downright SEXY!

There have actually been studies about how women feel about men with beards. One of the studies indicated that women found men with a light stubble very attractive. The men with full beards were seen as masculine and attractive. They say that guys looking to get noticed and be more sexually appealing may benefit from some masculine stubble on their cheeks. SOURCE

A good beard requires maintenance. If you don’t do the required maintenance, you could wind up with that wild and untamed look. Many men shave off their beards because of beard itch, dandruff, and dry skin. Beard hair can also become very dry and brittle. An important part of beard care is using a good Beard Oil.

Sexy Beast Unscented Beard Oil can solve those problems for you!!

Do you have that itchiness that doesn’t seem to go away? Especially a couple weeks after you start growing your beard? The reason for this feeling is the facial hair becomes more curly and pointy as it grows. The hair touches your face and causes that beard itch. Sexy Beast Beard Oil makes the facial hair softer and reduces the itchiness at a whole new level. Also reduces itchiness due to dry skin and ‘beardruff’ (that’s beard dandruff!).

Unless you go for the all natural wiry look, beard oil helps you groom your beard easier. By making the beard softer, beard oil helps you comb it and shape it (so your comb doesn’t get stuck in your beard!). Repairs damaged facial hair and eliminates dry frizz to create a soft, smooth, manly beard. You will get the double benefit of Sexy Beast Beard Oil moisturizing your beard as well as your skin.

While most beard oils contain 3 main oils, our proprietary blend of Sexy Beast Beard Oil uses 9 different oils to create the best beard oil possible. Here are the 9 oils that make up Sexy Beast Beard Oil:

*Hempseed Oil: Prevents Breakage
*Grapeseed Oil: Prevents Dryness
*Pumpkinseed Oil: Stimulates Facial Hair Growth
*Argan Oil: Makes Facial Hair Soft and Shiny
*JoJoba Oil: Moisturizes Hair with no residue
*Vitamin E Oil: Improves dry and brittle hair
*Apricot Oil: Aids ‘Beardruff’ & moisturizes skin under the beard
*Avocado Oil: Prevents hair loss
*Sweet Almond Oil: Seals in Moisture & Promotes Hair Strength

Check out this Amazon Review from a lady who bought Sexy Beast Beard Oil for her man:

I bought this for my husband who recently grew a beard. He was having some beard dandruff and it just seemed a little too fluffy. After using the oil, which has no scent, it seems healthier and groomed. He has not had any more beard dandruff. I can tell when he is fresh from the shower and has not put it on yet. I will definitely purchase this again when his bottle runs out. He does say he uses a little more than a dime (which is what the directions say). He has not seemed oily at all to me though. Thanks! Amazon Reveiw

And see this Amazon Review from a man who bought Sexy Beast Beard Oil:

Works great for itchy beard and my beard came in stronger. Quality products 
Amazon Review

Try our Sexy Beast Beard Oil and you can UNLEASH THE BEAST. Be that sexy man people are noticing!


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