Are You Rich?

I read some words on a sign recently and had to go back and read them again. It is a simple statement:

“If you want to feel really rich,
think about all the good things in your life
that money cannot  buy!”

We all get discouraged, upset and overwhelmed with ‘life’! Through the years, I try to be ready with my PERSONAL AMMUNITION of positive words, thoughts, prayers. I have also been reminded many times of how blessed I really am in spite of the difficult circumstances.

I had a really good friend for many years. She was the prettiest lady with beautiful red hair. Ellie loved to really dress up. She wasn’t one of those casual ladies like me. I don’t think I ever saw her wear a pair of jeans. Ellie cared about her family and friends and worked with the small children in our church. Those kids adored her!

One day we realized Ellie was getting sicker and sicker. Doctors were introducing new treatments to help her. I remember driving her to some of those treatments. They didn’t work very well for Ellie and left her exhausted for days. Then the doctors decided to do a big surgery. Despite their best efforts, the surgery was not successful. Ellie lived for several years after that, but she was sick and weak. Her color was bad. She often had a gray or greenish cast to her complexion. Ellie had every right to feel sorry for herself and complain!

You know what? I don’t remember ever hearing her complain!! She still wanted to get to church when she was able and work with her beloved children. When she couldn’t get out any longer, she would call to check on her friends. Often we would call her or drop by to visit her. We thought we were going to encourage her, but we usually left being the encouraged ones. She seemed to care more about us than what she was going through. She was a blessing and positive force in my life all through the years.

Willie Nelson, an American musician, singer, songwriter, author, poet and actor, once said:

When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.

Now when I have a difficult day or don’t feel well, I remember Ellie. You know, no matter what you are going through, we can all find things to be thankful for….and many of those blessings are things that money cannot buy!

I challenge you to make a list of your blessings that money cannot buy!




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