Why Exercise After 50?

Are you over 50? Remember when we were in our 20’s and 30’s? I would exercise with my main goal being to fit into a certain size clothes…be able to proudly go to the beach…look as good as my friends. How about you?

Now that I am a little older, my priorities have changed. At 50 plus, my health and well-being are my main concerns. My body is not the same as it was in my younger years so the way I exercise has had to change. I have a good life now and I am independent of needing help to enjoy my life…and I want it to stay that way!

I will list a few reasons we need to exercise and the best things to do. I am sure you can add to this list. Exercise to build or maintain muscle mass. Our metabolism slows as we age and muscles burn more calories than fat. Exercise can help with illnesses like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis and many more.

Include several types of exercise in your routine. Cardio gets your heart rate up which builds endurance and burns calories. Cardio exercise can be as simple as walking, gardening, running, aerobics, biking, golfing, dancing and swimming. Strength/weight bearing exercises help to build your muscles. Flexibility exercises help to keep us flexible and balance exercises are great to help prevent falls.

Choose activities that are easy on your joints (they will thank you for it!). Pick things that you enjoy doing—you will be more likely to do them more often.

Personally, I love to walk. Walking strengthens your lower body and is a weight bearing exercise (your own body weight) so helps fight against osteoporosis. Walking with a friend is a great opportunity for exercise and social bonding. The only special equipment you need for walking is a good, supportive pair of shoes. It’s free and a great stress reliever

How much exercise do you need? Most people say at least 150 minutes weekly divided up on 3 or more days. WEB MD Says Walking 5.5 miles a week at a slow pace of 2 miles per hour can be enough to lower your risk of things like heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure by 31%. Even 10 minutes two or three times a day is good. Anything is better than nothing!! Always check with your doctor with any questions or concerns, and if you have not been exercising, start slowly and build up. Get up off the couch or your recliner and just start moving.


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