Trying To Lose Weight And The Scales Won’t Budge?

Need to lose weight, but your dieting efforts are producing little to no results. Most of us make dieting/losing weight a big process–a complete change. Sometimes we just have to make a few simple changes to start getting good results.

We know the right foods to eat and despite our good eating habits, the scales just won’t budge. You might just need more activity or small changes in your diet to increase your metabolism. Here are a few easy ways to tweak your efforts and start getting the results you want:

**Add strength building to your routine—Did you know one pound of fat burns 2 calories of fat daily while a pound of muscle burns 6 calories.

**Keep doing aerobic exercises, but step up the intensity. If you are walking, keep walking but add in some short spurts of faster walking or jogging.

**Okay, let’s get the water bottles out! Web MD reports that adults who drank 8 glasses of water person burned more calories than those who drank 4 glasses. You don’t have to chug down water all at once. How about having a glass before every meal? That is already adding 3 glasses. And don’t forget fruits and vegetables which contain lots of water. Did you read our article on watermelon??

**Don’t wait hours and hours to have a meal. I often tend to eat a late breakfast and nothing until dinner—and then I am ravenous at night. Instead I should be having a small snack or meal every 3-4 hours.

**Are you getting enough protein in your diet. Your body will burn up more calories digesting protein than it does with fats or carbohydrates—this means low fat meat, eggs or dairy products. Don’t forget that beans and nuts are also a good source of protein.

**Are you a couch potato? Challenge yourself to get up during tv commercials and walk or jog in place.

**Get a good night’s sleep. Lack of sleep has been shown to be a cause of weight gain and other physical problems. It tends to cause a rise in the hunger hormone and decrease in fullness hormone. If you have trouble falling asleep, then staying asleep… if  you wake up multiple times a night and lay in bed for what seems like hours with your mind racing and you just can’t turn it off… if you feel like by the time you finally fall asleep it’s time to get up — so you spend all day tired, lethargic and “out of it”….if you fantasize about how wonderful it would be to just be able to sleep… an entire night long? Put Perfect Sleep to the test. It’s GUARANTEED or YOUR MONEY BACK!

I have personally had sleep problems for many years and Perfect Sleep has made a huge (positive) difference for me!! I still wake up several times a night (I think I have formed a habit of doing this for so many years), but the nights I take Perfect Sleep I am able to go right back to sleep. And the mornings are so much better–I am not tired from the time I open my eyes. I am ready to face the new day!!

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