Secrets to Success from a Millionaire-Step 4

Are you pumped up and ready to make this your best year ever? I have shared three steps in the C2A3 formula. It is IMPORTANT that you read and follow the first three steps before moving on.


Today we’re going to talk about the second “A”. Winston Churchill described it as, “A little thing that makes a BIG difference.”  He was talking about…


The dictionary describes “Attitude” as… “a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.”

People who spend the majority of their day complaining, being critical of others and finding a problem for every opportunity are what I call “energy vampires”. They zap you of your joy.

Have you ever known anyone like that? Where the moment they enter the room you can actually feel the energy shift?

Yeah– me, too!

And I’ll be honest, it’s much harder to change a rotten attitude and do an about face by strictly focusing on attitude. But it’s SUPER EASY when you’re applying the C2A3 formula. In fact, it’s pretty much a natural result. You don’t have to give it much effort at all.

It’s also why people have a hard time with attitudes. Because they DON’T know what they
want– they are living life by default, instead of by design…They’re letting others hold the pen and write the script of their life. And they resent them for it…They’re constantly focusing on what’s wrong, what’s not working and why it probably never will.

And their attitude sucks. Because their LIFE sucks.

Go figure. 😉

On the flip side, when we ARE using the C2A3 formula it’s difficult NOT to have a great attitude.

Because you KNOW what you want– with absolute CLARITY. STEP 1

You’re COMMITTED to having it. STEP 2

And you’re giving your ATTENTION and FOCUSING on only what you want MORE OF in life.  STEP 3

Which means you’re living on PURPOSE–a life by DESIGN (not default). And when you do this, YOU FEEL GOOD.

So I use ATTITUDE as more of a barometer–a sort of measuring stick. If I notice that I’m having a bad attitude where I’m feeling irritated, being critical, pessimistic or just generally out of sorts it’s like a
big giant neon sign that alerts me to the fact that I’m NOT following the formula.

It’s doing the SAME for you.

And the easy way to fix it– FAST—is to go back and immediately review.

CLARITY— what do you really want? STEP 1
COMMITMENT— have you made a “burn the boats” type all-in commitment? STEP 2

ATTENTION-– are you focusing on only what you want more of… what’s bringing you closer to what you want? STEP 3
When you can say YES to all 3, then ATTITUDE will never be a problem.

Don’t fight against a bad attitude– USE IT. Let it be your internal GPS that basically alerts you that you need to “change direction” or “re-route”.



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