Little Changes to Shed Winter Weight

Last week we started on a journey…our journey to losing weight and getting our summer bodies! How are you doing? I made a few changes and any step towards achieving our goals is a positive one.

By the way, if you missed last week’s blog, you can get read about it by going to

This week let’s concentrate on making positive diet changes. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat are our partners in health and weight loss. Melons are a great source of hydration and nutrients and they do not cause bloating.

Be careful of drinks with artificial sweeteners that can cause bloating. Steer clear of many of the highly processed carbohydrates. Why do the sweets—cakes, cookies, candy—know us by name? Check ingredients on your food purchases of packaged items. Watch out for too many additives and ingredients you cannot pronounce!!

Reduce or cut out alcohol. You will cut back on calories just by doing this. And did you know alcohol is dehydrating?

If you are like I am—I want to lose XX number of pounds. I would love to be back in my size X pants and be really comfortable (even proud) of my body in a swimsuit. But is that my ultimate goal? Some days I think it is!!

The truth is we need to set our weight loss goals reasonably and with idea of being healthier and more able to play with our kids, get up and down easily, not be on so many medications….and the list goes on.

Let’s do it. With just a few changes we can be moving towards our ultimate goals. These need to be changes that are lasting—not restrictive diets and hours of daily exercise that we know we cannot keep up indefinitely. We are striving to establish HEALTHY HABITS!

You are not doing this alone…and neither am I. Together we can and will achieve our goals.

Need a little extra help? We have it for you!! Ultalife’s Sip Detox Tea!

Toxins build up in the colon and can prevent your body from proper nutrient absorption, which directly slows the digestion system and can negatively impact weight management as well as your overall health — leaving you feeling bloated, tired and sluggish. SIP’s 28 Day Detox herbal tea is used to purify the body from the inside out, cleansing the organs while simultaneously clearing the digestive tract of any toxins and excess waste. Drink a cup of this delicious tea every other night and it will gently assist your body to get rid of toxic waste, improve digestion and skin complexion, increase metabolism and cleanse your body to help you to reach your health and weight loss goals. As an added bonus SIP teas are packed with antioxidants.

Be sure to follow directions—steep only 2 minutes and drink every other night and you can get the results that our customers, Robert and Lida, did.

See what Robert said about his experience with Sip Detox Tea:
This product is awesome for cleansing your system, and weight loss. It’s also natural so losing weight this way will not harm your health. Amazon Review

And Lida said:
This does exactly what it says! It really cleans me out in a gently way. I can confidently take it in the evening and know that i have one movement in the morning and be done. Instead of wondering if I’m going to have that urge later in the day when I’m away from home. I felt great when I completed the 28 days. I’m tempted to do it again in another month or so. Amazon Review

Consider adding Sip Detox Tea …. add a little activity to your days and make a few diet adjustments. You will be “Lighter Later’ in no time!


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