I Want It Now and I Want It My Way!

We live in that kind of society, don’t we? We have all become accustomed to getting things (or expecting to) quickly. Remember when we used to cook rice for 25-30 minutes? Now we have instant rice! We can microwave a frozen meal and be ready to eat in less than 15 minutes. Potatoes used to take one hour to bake—now are microwaved in a flash! Mashed potatoes? The younger generation might not realize we actually used to peel the potatoes, boil and mash them.

I remember typing papers for the Old Timer (that’s my husband Larry—our grandson affectionately calls him Old Timer). He got his Bachelors Degree and then his Masters Degree and I had lots of practice typing all those long papers for him. Back in those days the footnotes had to be on the bottom of every page. Oh, the problems I had in typing the body of the page and knowing how much room to leave for the footnotes. And what about typing errors (no, I am far from perfect!)? We had white-out which looked terrible. Finally we had erasable bond paper and I thought I had ‘arrived’! The good news is Larry did very well and obtained both degrees. Me—I guess I learned to type more accurately and not scream when I had to re-type a whole page.


Today, it is a simple matter of using word processing on a computer. You can fix anything you want—make any changes you want…and it’s perfect when you print it out!

How about those drive thru fast food restaurants? You give your order at the little box….drive your car to the window…and your burger is ready and fixed the way you requested (your way!).

Does this ability to have it our way…quickly…instantly…affect our thinking and actions in other areas of our life? I am sure it does. If I am waiting a few seconds for something to come up on my computer, I find myself getting impatient. Have you ever noticed people waiting in a line? Instead of taking that time to think good thoughts….. notice our surroundings…maybe even talk to someone in the  line…what about saying something kind or encouraging to someone…we fidget and get impatient at the wait. I know-we are all busy people with many things to do, but we need accept that there will be little delays all the time and make the most of them. One dear friend told me to take the time in lines to pull in my stomach.  An exercise that will benefit us and no one will even know!!

Apply this instant mindset to your life…your goals… your dreams.. Wouldn’t we all love to have that instant success? If you get stuck in this instant thinking, you will quit before you even get started. Some things take time and perseverance.  Think about this quote from Norman Vincent Peale:



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