Heart Health and MORE

Do you sometimes hear about supplements…and not really understand their function? I do and often will do some research—rather than just jump on the bandwagon and assume I need that particular supplement. I have heard about CoQ-10 for a long time and vaguely knew it had something to do with the heart, but recently I decided I needed to know more.

Mayo Clinic gives this explanation of CoQ-10:

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant that is made in the human body. CoQ10 is needed for basic cell function. CoQ10 levels decrease with age and may be low in people with cancer, certain genetic disorders, diabetes, heart conditions, HIV/AIDS, muscular dystrophies, and Parkinson’s disease. Some prescription drugs may also lower CoQ10 levels.

And Dr Andrew Weil, a respected physician, says that CoQ-10….. is found in every cell of the body (the name ubiquinone stems from its ubiquity), but is present in higher concentrations in organs with higher energy requirements such as the kidneys, liver, and heart.

According to other info I found, our natural levels of CoQ-10 could begin decreasing by the time we are 30…and by the time we are 50 the levels begin to diminish more rapidly. By 70 we could be 50% lower than when we were young adults!!

It also turns out that many drugs can cause depletion of our natural COQ-10 levels…and Statin Drugs can be a leader.

Personally I never wanted to take a cholesterol lowering drug (statin) and did my best to eat healthy, keep my weight in control and exercise at least moderately. Imagine my surprise when I had a heart attack. My cholesterol levels were not that high, but keeping them super low (especially the LDL) after the heart attack became especially important.

So now I realize while the Stain drug has kept my cholesterol in a range acceptable to my cardiologist, I have most likely also been depleting my CoQ-10 levels (for the past 8 years!!).

 If you are taking other prescriptions, it is good to consult with your doctor about adding a dietary supplement, but if you are 50 or over, adding a CoQ-0 supplement would be good!! And if you take Statin Drugs, you really should add CoQ-10.


In my case, I tried my whole adult life to have a healthy lifestyle—and still had a major problem. My advice would be to research natural supplements, such as CoQ-10 and add these when appropriate to support your body and its functions.

Consider UltaLife CoQ-10:

UltaLife’s CoQ 10 with is the BEST Choice of Ubiquinol / Ubiquinone for Superior Cardiovascular Health.

How important is CoQ 10 to your overall health? CoQ 10 plays a very important role by increasing the energy in every cell in your body. It is a powerful antioxidant that is a necessary nutrient for cell function in the body.

How important is CoQ 10 for heart health? CoQ 10 production in the body decreases with age–especially in the area of the heart. Supplementing with CoQ 10 may help support healthy aging and a healthy heart.

Does CoQ 10 help your energy level? One of the many benefits of CoQ 10 is that studies show increased performance and less tiredness after exercise. CoQ 10 actually helps cells convert fat & sugar to energy.

Check out a few reviews from Amazon customers who are using UltaLife CoQ-10:

The product arrived in a timely manner and in good shape. I have been using it and was even told by my pharmacist that it is a great product for me to use. 

Very impressed with this product! I have been taking CoQ10 for many years and having come from a family with heart disease, I believe that it has saved me some of the problems others in my family have had. I was having to see that ULTAlife is now offering it! Reliable company!

Taking this product as an antioxidant supports heart health and your immune system. As we age it’s especially important to give our bodies healthy support and a boost to maintain our health for long term. I’m even starting to feel more clear and more focused! The small capsules make them easy to take as well. Thanks!

Do yourself and your body a favor and check out our UltaLife CoQ-10!

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