Eating for the Holidays

The Christmas Season is especially difficult for those trying to diet—lose weight or even just maintain their weight. I used to start a diet thinking I had to deprive myself of good things…and to feel hungry all the time!!

Those kinds of diets usually fail. While you might lose a few pounds, you will tend to gain eat-methem back. No one can live in a constant state of hunger!! If you tell yourself you cannot have a certain food (like chocolate), guess what you will crave!! I have actually had chocolate call my name!!


I learned years ago that dieting is never a good idea. What you should do is make lifestyle changes. Modify your eating in ways you can continue. Don’t deprive yourself for 2 weeks and then go crazy eating after that!

Is nighttime eating bad? Yes and no!! It is the total calories eaten in a day that count. But if you have eat your allotment of calories and then start the nighttime binge eating, you will gain weight. So if you are a nighttime eater (like I am), eat sensibly during the day purposely saving room to allow yourself a snack at night.

Can you eat sensibly and still include fats in your diet? Absolutely!! Our bodies need three nutrients to thrive—protein, carbohydrates and FATS. Keep in mind there are different kinds of fats. Avoid or limit saturated fat and trans fats (butter, high fat dairy, processed foods, etc). The good fats are found in foods like nuts, avocado, olives, low fat dairy.

But what can we do when going to holiday parties and other celebrations? Eat sensibly that day and save extra calories for the event. Learn to fill you plate with veggies (not too much dip please). Eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. Adding cheese sauces, cream sauces, gravy, French fried onion rings…can turn an otherwise health dish into a calorie bomb.

You do not have to be hungry—EVER. Fill up on healthy fruits and vegetables and satisfy your sweet tooth with an indulgence occasionally. Eat it very slowly and enjoy every bite!!

And if you over-eat, don’t beat yourself up. Try to burn some extra calories by exercisingrunning—even just walking. If you are watching television, stand up for every commercial and walk (or even jog) in place. In fact, make doing this a habit. Park your car as far away from shopping areas as possible and walk briskly. If you have children or grandchildren, play with them. Running after a ball and playing with the kids can be a fun time and will burn some extra calories too.

Also read my post at  for some cooking/eating tips I have learned in my weight loss/maintenance journey.

If you need some extra help with controlling your diet, check out our great products at



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