What Does It Mean to Be Resilient?

What Does It Mean to Be Resilient?

shutterstock_408418192Merriam-Webster defines resilience as a character trait in which a person is “able to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens.” If you’ve ever experienced a loss personally or professionally, you know just how hard it is to recover. If you’re not in the best of health physically, mentally or financially, it could prove to be very difficult.

That’s why it’s important to do what you can now, prior to a loss, to become more resilient. This could be something as simple as adding more exercise to your daily routine or choosing to eat fresh fruits and vegetables in place of canned goods. It may involve taking regular breaks to rest and recharge your batteries.

Some other examples that help you become more resilient is to get enough sleep, practice positive self-talk and thinking, choosing your response to stressful situations, and taking supplements to make up for the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you lack in your diet.

Being physically, mentally, and financially prepared for what life throws at you is key to survival. Resilience is what helps a person up when they’ve been knocked down. When they’ve been dealt a devastating blow, they look for solutions and use tools to deal with the difficult feelings that come with loss.

Think about the things that make you feel good and find a way to incorporate them into your daily life. Journaling can help you get through times of high stress. Scheduling a massage helps loosen tight muscles and gives you the strength to deal with whatever ails you.

Become physically resilient by protecting your health. UltaLife carries a number of different supplements that help with that. From Blood Pressure Support to Immune Power Boost, there is something for everyone. Take a look under the General Health tab on our homepage for more information about the different supplements we sell.


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