Can I Ask You Something?

Can I ask you something?

Can I Ask You Something? And NO, it’s not what you’re thinking–I’m not going to ask if the glass is “half-full” or “half-empty” 😉

My question is…How heavy is this glass of water?

(insert the Jeapordy music)…lol

OK… do you have an answer?

The truth is–it depends. The actual “weight”  of the glass (by volume) doesn’t matter. That’s not what is important.

What really matters is…HOW LONG YOU HOLD THE GLASS.

If you hold the glass for a minute–it is super light.

If you hold the glass for an hour–it’s gonna feel heavy and your arm will definitely ache.

If you hold the glass all day long–it will feel like a boulder, your hand will go numb and your entire arm will feel paralyzed.

 Now here’s the thing you need to think about it…In every example I gave you the actual weight of the glass DOES NOT CHANGE–the only difference is HOW LONG YOU HOLD IT.

Our thoughts work the same way.

If you hold onto a stressful, negative or worrisome thought for short minute it won’t really have much of an impact.

If you hold onto it for an hour–you’ll feel heavy hearted, anxious or generally negative.

But if you hold onto a stressful, negative or worrisome thought all day long you’ll feel hopeless and generally paralyzed.

So here’s my real question. How heavy is YOUR glass?

What are you holding onto that you need to put down so you can stop hurting and start feeling good?

The great news is–You can put it down RIGHT NOW.

You don’t have to hold onto it another minute. Just put it down and instead, pick up a glass full of HOPE, DREAMS, EXPECTATION and LOVE.

Because the cool thing is–the same principle applies with the GOOD STUFF, too. The LONGER you hold your glass full of positive stuff (everything you want in life), the bigger impact it will have on your life.

It’s the “5 Magic Words” at work…
“Your Thoughts Create Your Life”

So choose today to put down your heavy glass of all the hurts, resentments, anger, fear and disappointments and pick up a glass full of love, hope, joy and expectation.


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