Potatoes are wholesome, inexpensive and delicious! They are rich in Vitamin C, Potassium and Fiber (eat the skin too!).
Potatoes have gotten a bad rap because of all the unhealthy toppings we have loaded on them. So let’s re-think the baked potato. Can we enjoy them with healthier toppings? I have personally found ways I ‘love’ a baked potato and have researched and found other ideas.
Ready to get started? First, scrub the potato (remember you want to eat that skin). Pierce the potato several times with a fork. You can rub the potato with olive oil and sprinkle with a little salt. Then bake at 300 degrees for 90 minutes—or at a higher temperature for less time if you are baking other foods (425 degrees for 45-60 minutes). Bake directly on the oven rack or on a baking sheet, or for a softer skin, follow above directions and wrap each potato in foil. You can also microwave your potato. When done, slice into the potato and fluff with a fork—add salt and pepper.
Ready for some topping ideas that are not too high in calories?
- Watching your cholesterol? Try one of the margarines like Benecol or Smart Balance and a small sprinkle of grated cheese
- Low fat ranch dressing and scallions
- Reduced fat sour cream—add a little horseradish or chives
- 2 T chopped ham and 2 T Brie
Grill or saute some fresh veggies in a small amount of olive oil. Top potato with veggies and sprinkle on some feta cheese
- Steam broccoli cuts in a small amount of water (add one chicken bouillon cube to water for extra flavor). Drain and top potato with broccoli and shredded cheese. Put in microwave a few seconds to melt cheese.
- Topping your potato with Ground Beef Stroganoff will turn a baked potato into a whole meal. Just add a veggie or salad and you are all set. See recipe for Ground Beef Stroganoff.
Brown 1 pound lean ground beef with chopped onion, salt and pepper. Drain in colander to remove all grease. Put back in skillet and add one can cream of mushroom or golden mushroom soup. Add ¼ c water and simmer for 15 minutes. Just before serving, add sour cream. You can use up to 1 cup (I I use about ½ that amount). Server won top of a baked potato, on rice or mashed potatoes.
Try some of our suggestions and I believe you will be coming up with your own healthy baked potato toppings!!
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